Friday, March 9, 2012

Clock is Ticking!

I  finally was able to get my proposal for my long-term project, "Gitche Gumee Inked" up and running on the Kickstarter website. I have 35 days to get the necessary funding needed to get the ball rolling on this endeavor, so I need you to pass this link onto everyone you know, this thing has to go viral! The more money raised the quicker I can get the project completed. The end result will be a book with prints of all the original drawings and photographs & notes from the making of it, should be fun!

The link with all the "Gitche Gumee Inked" details is;

I'm on the verge of going back to work with my brother in law Tom, so my drawing time will be somewhat limited, but, I am almost done with my second drawing since January and hopefully I'll be able to keep my creative momentum rolling. I am not planning to do any Art shows this summer, so that will allow me more time to work on my "Gitche Gumme Inked" series.

Fatherhood has been getting easier, it's still a work in progress, but Vivi is the cutest, smartest baby in the world of course! She is being patient with mommy & daddy, but I think we are doing something right, because she seems happy as a baby can be!!

Thanks for reading, make sure to spread the word on the "Gitche Gumee Inked" project!!

Rob the Stipplefreak